Finally we can announce another great concert: Rock and heavy metal will set the tone at the sports field.
Entrance free. Donations for the renovation of the sportsmen’s home are requested.
Four bands will line up, it will start at 5pm, end around 11pm, so people in Schlenzer, Riesdorf and other villages in the area can go to sleep.

We start with ANGEHOYERT.
ANGEHOYERT come from the Niederer Fläming region. The songs are mostly written and composed by themselves, the lyrics have a touch of irony and are taken directly from life. Usually something arises out of a situation, and the basic material for a new song text is there.
With acoustic guitar and bass accompaniment, the performances ensure a good mood.

Then follows Punktlandung.
That’s the four of us: Yarùn – trumpet, Finn – guitar and vocals, Yalda – drums, Nils – bass.
We come from Jüterbog, met at the music school in 2020 and got together. Since then we have been able to demonstrate our skills at a number of small private and public events.
Our repertoire includes both our own and covered songs.
Our musical style – Rock’n Roll.

They are closely followed by the Rivalen from Luckau.
We are:
Thilo (drums), 21, Chris (bass and vocals), 21, and Paul (guitar and vocals), 26.
Thilo and Chris have been with us from the beginning, Paul since 2021.
We formed in 2016 as the school band “Godless Times”, had a few small gigs.
Since 2019, we’ve been calling ourselves “Rivalen” (Rivals).
In 2019 we produced our first CD, since then we have released several singles and a music video.

The evening finale and highlight will be M.u.l.o.
M.u.l.o. is a project of five seasoned musicians from the Berlin music scene with the voice of German rock legend “Eulenspygel” at the microphone. “Eulenspygel” was one of the first bands to make rock music with critical German lyrics as early as 1970 and at its peak in 1972 produced an LP at the famous Apple Studio in London.
Mulo returned to his roots with his own band after many turmoils in life and music. Rocking, original songs with German lyrics dealing with social conditions, love and non-love.
With the support of four fabulous guys from the Berlin music scene and a competent and deeply relaxed sound engineer, not to mention the super mastering by MSP-Music, the CD “Old School” was created in June 2016.
In several live concerts in Berlin and the surrounding area, the band has also proven its quality live with its distinctive sound.